Social Trader Tools is a web based platform for anyone that uses MT4 and MT5. Hosted in the cloud 24/7 without the hassle of a VPS, allowing you to copy trades to any amount of trading accounts and much more.
Social Trader Tools allows you to manage an unlimited amount of MT4 and MT5 accounts from any broker, all from one platform. There is no special software, no complex configurations and no VPS servers required.
Simply upload your account credentials to the platform and your accounts will be hosted securely in the cloud 24/7. Once you have accounts added you can utilise the platform in many ways.
ACCOUNT MANAGERThe core feature of Social Trader Tools is trade copying. Our trade copier is the fastest copier in the market with an average replication speed of 50ms.
Once you have your accounts connected to the platform you can setup trade copiers. Trade copiers are highly configurable with various risk types and settings covering all scenarios.
TRADE COPIERSocial Trader Tools allows you to protect your MetaTrader trading accounts from yourself or a signal you're following. With a simple configuration, you can enable an equity monitor on your account to monitor how your trading is going.
If your account equity falls below a certain level, equity monitors will allow you to send yourself email alerts, disable copiers and close all open trades when an equity percentage or value is met on your account.
EQUITY MONITORWith Social Trader Tools you can offer your own trading account out to other users as a signal via a signal page.
Signal pages are publicly viewable urls with a long random code, so it can not be guessed, so you are never competing with other signals on the platform. They can be simply used to showcase your trading results or you can define terms by which users can follow your signals either paid or for free.
SIGNAL PROVIDERIf you are looking to start a trading business or have an existing brand, you can whitelabel our platform and offer out signals to your own audience. Whitelabels can be setup with a signal leader board, creating your own mini signal site.
You can choose from various style options and add your brands logo. You can also restrict what brokers can be used on your Whitelabel and even add a broker affiliate link to funnel users to your preferred broker.
Whitelabels are currently FREE. This will be changing soon, so don't delay and get yours setup today!
Manage an as many MT4 and MT5 accounts as needed.
Reverse copy
Turn losing strategies into profitable ones.
Signal selling
Sell your trade signals to clients.
Multiple users
Manage your profile as a team.
Web based interface
Manage accounts from the desk or on the go.
Signal selling
Sell your trade signals to clients.
Rebrand our platform for your clients.
No hosting
Accounts hosted securely in the cloud 24/7.
Email alerts
Real time email alerts for any trading activity.
Push events
Real time trading events for websites or apps.
Peace of mind
Automated equity monitors.
Trade copier
Highly configurable, low latency trade copier.